Cops bust man loading over 20 kilos of fentanyl at NJ rest stop
Larry Celona and Ben Feuerherd | Wednesday, April 3, 2019 -- 4:15 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 -- 4:17 PM EDT***

The amount of fentanyl being trafficked is an indication that chemical warfare is now being carried out on Americans. Democrats continue to say that there is no crisis at the US-Mexico border.

***Article first published by 'The New York Post' on March 4, 2019***

Law-enforcement authorities seized more than 20 kilograms of fentanyl at a New Jersey rest stop this weekend, authorities said.

Luis Aponte, 48, allegedly drove a truck loaded with fentanyl and heroin to a rest stop in Bloomsbury, New Jersey, on Friday, authorities said in a press release.

He then met with an accomplice, 29-year-old Denny Diaz, on Saturday and sold him about 7 kilograms of fentanyl, the US Drug Enforcement Administration said in a statement.

Agents from the DEA’s New York task force arrested the two men after they completed the drug deal, authorities said.

They then searched Aponte’s truck and found 13 additional kilograms of fentanyl and five kilograms of heroin, police said.

“Recent statistics show that in the United States nearly 200 people die from drug overdose every day. By removing trafficker’s weapons of mass destruction we are saving lives,” DEA Special Agent Ray Donovan said in a statement.

An attorney for the defendants could not immediately be reached.

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