Creepy Joe Biden Goes to Europe and Trashes America, Says Our Nation is an 'Embarrassment'
Cassandra Fairbanks | Monday, February 18, 2019 -- 1:00 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Monday, February 18, 2019 -- 1:01 PM EST***

And Trump is a poor representation of America...

***Article first published by 'The Gateway Pundit' on Feb. 17, 2019

Creepy former-Vice President Joe Biden spoke at the NATO Munich Security Conference on Saturday and called the United States an “embarrassment.”

Speaking to European allies, Biden trashed America with an open hostility, violating the unspoken tradition of leaving political gripes at home when speaking in foreign nations.

“The America I see values basic human decency, not snatching children from their parents or turning our back on refugees at our border. Americans know that’s not right,” Biden asserted. “The American people understand plainly that this makes us an embarrassment. The American people know, overwhelmingly, that it is not right. That it is not who we are.”

Biden has not ruled out running for president — and is seen as a favorite to win the nomination by pollsters.

“While I cannot speak today as an elected government official who is able to set policy, I can speak as a citizen. I can offer insight into my country. I know we’ve heard a lot today about leadership, but in my experience, leadership only exists if somebody — and others — are with you. Leadership in the absence of people who are with you is not leadership,” Biden continued.

The 76-year-old added that it is wrong “to disagree with your brothers and sisters in public. Today because of, I think, a lack of leadership coming from the other side of the Atlantic, we find ourselves in a different place, and it’s uncomfortable.”

“I can assure you, that the American people, the ultimate wellspring of power in the United States of America, remain committed to engaging the world with decency and respect,” Biden said.

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