The Double Standards of the Mueller Investigation
Victor Davis Hanson, National Review | Thursday, April 26, 2018 -- 7:23 PM EDT
***Uploaded by moo and Last updated on Thursday, April 26, 2018 -- 9:08 PM EDT***

In one direction, Mueller is looking frantically for anything to nail Trump with. The oncoming train involves congressional investigations, DOJ referrals and Inspector General's reports! The two trains are about to collide!

***Article originally appeared in National Review Online***

The country is about to witness an investigatory train wreck.

In one direction, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation train is looking for any conceivable thing that President Donald Trump’s campaign team might have done wrong in 2016.
The more Mueller searches for hypothetical lawbreaking, the more he ignores the actual lawbreakers.

The oncoming train is slower but also larger. It involves congressional investigations, Department of Justice referrals, and inspector general’s reports — mostly focused on improper or illegal FBI and DOJ behavior during the 2016 election.

Why are the two now about to collide?

By charging former national-security adviser Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI, Mueller emphasized that even the appearance of false testimony is felonious behavior. If that is so, then the DOJ will probably have to charge former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe with perjury or related offenses. A report from the Office of the Inspector General indicates that McCabe lied at least four times to federal investigators.

Former FBI director James Comey may also have lied to Congress when he testified that he had not written his report on the Hillary Clinton email scandal before interviewing Clinton. Former director of national intelligence James Clapper and former CIA director John Brennan lied under oath to Congress on matters related to surveillance.

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