Communists Planning Armed Insurrection on Twitter
Debra Heine | Friday, November 9, 2018 -- 8:14 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Friday, November 9, 2018 -- 9:35 PM EST***

Why is it that Twitter is allowing this? Stinks like an FBI patzy smoke screen operation: allow these people to plan terrorist attacks under the guise of fishing for an investigation but failing to prevent the terrorist attack, as was the case with Pamela Geller.

***Article first published by 'PJ Media' on Sept. 21, 2018***

Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies, Far Left Watch reported.

“Dr. Bones," the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a 'insurgent' focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more 'militia' structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”

Bones went on to suggest that fellow travelers organize "hidden cells" and focus on ambushes and assassinations to bleed "right-leaning forces" dry. He said that during the day comrades should pretend to be into "helping everybody" and never talk about their "nighttime activities."

CentralOH SRA @CentralOHSRA

Stay safe, comrades.

11:24 AM - Sep 8, 2018

The Guillotine podcast, which covers “global current events from a revolutionary communist and anarchist perspective,” has nearly 15,000 Facebook followers and 250 active monthly donors on its Patreon account.

The two co-hosts, @Ole_Bonsey and @DeadIrishRebe,l identify as an “egoist-Communist” and “Marxist, respectively” according to Far Left Watch. And the pair seem to be huge fans of mass-murdering Communist dictators and “revolutionaries” like Mao Zedong and Che Guevera.

Disturbingly, the extremists see no difference between supporters of President Trump or the police, and actual Nazis.

In the thread, Dr. Bones discouraged fellow radicals from walking around with full-sized AR rifles, suggesting that they instead use “easily concealable platforms” [weapons] so as not to “tip anyone off.”

A fellow traveler talked about the importance of communication and tactics in small cells that have "an opportunity for a big kill.”

but until then focus on small things that can be done alone/in small groups, with very little resources. It's the most effective and safest way, and does not leave a target for them to hit back at.

— Jake???? (@Jake_1c) September 25, 2018

Like a boyscout, be prepared:
Pistol-caliber SBR
Rifle-caliber SBR
AR15 / AK47
with this, you're prepared for a very wide range of tactical scenarios. different loadouts for different members of squad will provide flexibility for specific applications of force

Kommodore M—. @Bored_Anterieur Replying to @GuillotinePod | 12:23 PM - Sep 25, 2018

Truckstop Herpetologist @danthemancohan
Replying to @Ole_Bonsey

I'm no military expert, just a reader of a lot of mil. history. I think to face up to the overwhelming tech. capabilities of the state you would have to blend into the normal civilian pop. to offer effective resistance and not just get slaughtered.

12:16 PM - Sep 25, 2018

The blending approach is gonna be the most useful, and honestly the most effective long term. Sustaining a full militia necessitates central supply chains/ bureaucratic information dispersion/ and heavier level of trust through a bigger # of people. All of which raise the cost

— Hunter?? (@MutualRevolt) September 25, 2018

of recruiting into the ranks. Especially if you’re in a heavy martial state, getting people involved will mean making sure they & their whole family will face as little risk as possible. Being able to sustain outward civilian life protects more of those involved.

— Hunter?? (@MutualRevolt) September 25, 2018

Also, the less information one person has on EVERYONE in the group defends against one person being caught and spilling everything on the network. A network of distributed/only necessary information/ gives more flexibility and safety to the movements to disrupt.

— Hunter?? (@MutualRevolt) September 25, 2018

Insurgency focus first, even most "blue" states there is next to no chance of being able to hold and defend large amounts of territory from the state and reactionary forces in the beginning. Small cells of insurgents have been able to punch above their weight in all modem wars

— Jake???? (@Jake_1c) September 25, 2018

Would probably transition into holding some form of territory, whether some town, neighborhood, or whatever infrastructure, then they should start helping and training as many people as possible, so they can defend themselves and continue insurgency if anyone takes it over again

— Jake???? (@Jake_1c) September 25, 2018

@JackHerer20 (Captain Howdy) is a particularly nasty St. Louis antifa who has been featured at PJ Media and Far Left Watch before. In January of 2018, he encouraged his followers to dox GOP officials and show up at their homes. He also offered to pay someone to assassinate President Trump. Incredibly, he still maintains a Twitter account.

The conversation above may not be against the law but should be extremely concerning to any Republican in public life. As James O'Keefe's Project Veritas exposed in its undercover investigation of the Deep State, Marxists have infiltrated the government and are holding jobs where they routinely engage in subversive "resistance" activities while on the clock.

One video released by Project Veritas captured a Department of Justice employee admitting that she does research on the home addresses and license plates of private individuals who are then targeted for loud protests at their homes by socialist demonstrators.

Allison Hrabar has now been fired, but other socialist Justice Department employees also suggested on tape that they use the DOJ LexisNexis accounts to identify home addresses of targets.

On Thursday, another member of the "resistance" on Capitol Hill doxxed Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and both Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch of Utah, posting all of their home addresses and phone numbers on their Wikipedia pages during the hearing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.

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