John Solomon Discusses FBI Approaching Oleg Deripaska in September 2016, to Help Frame Trump
Sundance | Wednesday, May 16, 2018 -- 9:00 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, August 29, 2018 -- 4:43 PM EDT***

During the course of Obama's tenure as president, the FBI went from a apolitical law enforcement agency dedicated to the protection of Americans to a partisan arm of the Democratic party working to undermine Americans.

***Article First Published by on May 15, 2018***

In a very weird series of events journalist John Solomon published an article in The Hill. Despite the content directly relating to new and stunning revelations about an FBI operation in 2009; the connection to the current Russia investigation by Robert Mueller; and their use of a Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska in both investigations; the Hill Editors filed the article under “opinion”.

Secondly, after the original article was published, John Solomon gained new information about the FBI contacting Oleg Deripaska in September of 2016; before the election and before the FBI gained a FISA warrant against Carter Page and the Trump Campaign. Instead of a new article, four paragraphs were inserted as an “update” to the original content. Very weird decisions. – READ ARTICLE HERE

The discoveries and the story by Solomon carry huge ramifications; yet it appears there is an intentional effort by The Hill to bury the details.

Something very sketchy is afoot.

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