Mueller and Rosenstein Provide Court with Bogus Rebuttal to Manaforts Suit
Joe Hoft, Guest, The Gateway Pundit | Tuesday, April 3, 2018 -- 11:11 AM EDT
***Uploaded by moo and Last updated on Tuesday, April 3, 2018 -- 11:26 AM EDT***

Mueller and Rosenstein

***Article originally appeared in The Gateway Pundit***

Last week we stated that the US is now in a constitutional crisis due to the unconstitutional and corrupt Mueller investigation kept in place by corrupt FBI and DOJ Leadership. Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort may soon be the one to shut it all down. Mueller’s illegal Trump-Russia investigation continues to take corrupt and unconstitutional actions while criminal activities in Obama’s FBI, DOJ and State Department are ignored. If there is justice, America will soon have a real investigation looking into the Obama and Clinton criminal acts while in office.

Paul Manafort first made arguments in a suit with Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions as Head of the DOJ, related to illegalities in the way that Rosenstein set up the Mueller special counsel. Rosenstein’s special counsel order was not based on a crime and unconstitutionally stated that Mueller could basically look at anything he wanted to look at. These provisions are against the law and are now for the courts to settle.

In addition to the above suit, Robert Barnes wrote last week at Law and Crimes that Mueller’s actions not related to the 2016 campaign are outside the scope of Jeff Sessions recusal as AG and therefore unconstitutional –

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