Welcome to Citizens' Dawn's humble website! This site is about truth: the pursuit of truth, the expression of truth, and dropping truth bombs on the lies of the schemers!
This website was created to empower individuals and help bring the balance of power back to the people by giving them control over the content they create and who can profit from that content. Citizens' Dawn's mission is to improve the quality of Journalism and free speech so that, from that dialogue, a better society can emerge.
Too many times, people blur the lines and manipulate data to suit their own agendas, which is also why this site was created. If you aren't aware of the sorry state of journalism – as well as social media – in the world and in the United States then you are not paying attention.
So the question really is why shouldn't you choose Citizens' Dawn as your media network?
Citizens' Dawn is committed to the principles that made America great when it ended the African slave trade, when it beat back the Nazis – freedom of speech and privacy chief among such principles pertinent to our operations.
Using principles such as these as the cornerstone of our organization, Citizens' Dawn's opinions will not be silent, but will instead be abundantly clear; Citizens' Dawn will not sell your data to the highest bidder; all advertising for Citizens' Dawn is self contained (Google, Facebook, Amazon can all go fly a kite as far as we are concerned).
Confident that the power of truth will overcome any and all lies and manipulations, Citizens' Dawn will not alter algorithms or censor posts or accounts for unfavorable opinions or views.
You can rest assured that your speech will not be infringed upon by governments and that Citizens' Dawn will not act in a way that compromises the ethical principles articulated here by doing things like handing over your data unrequitedly to law enforcement without being presented with the necessary lawful warrant.
Big things are coming! Want to get involved? Contact us at 'staff@citizensdawn.com' with any inquiries. Stay tuned!
Bottom line: it's ride or die around here.. can you hang?