11 Ways to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland
Insight State | Thursday, April 9, 2020 -- 8:05 AM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Thursday, April 9, 2020 -- 9:46 AM EDT***

Great ways to maintain health and wellbeing.

***Article first published by 'Insight State' on January 19, 2020***

The pineal gland is a small, pea-shaped gland, that is located in the center of the brain, behind and above the pituitary gland. Unlike much of the rest of the brain, this gland is not isolated from the body by the blood-brain barrier system.

René Descartes believed the human pineal gland to be the “principal seat of the soul.”


The pineal gland produces melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone that modulates sleep patterns in both circadian and seasonal cycles. Your circadian rhythm is a 24-hour biological cycle which is characterized by sleep-wake patterns.

In addition, the pineal gland plays an important role in the regulation of female hormone levels, and it may affect the menstrual cycle and fertility.

A 1985 study conducted on people with impaired pineal glands established that damage to the pineal gland is linked with declines in the sense of direction. This suggests that this gland may play an important unrecognized role in spatial navigation.

According to theosophy, the pineal gland is an important psychophysiological center and the source of intuition and clairvoyance. As a chakra, the pineal gland represents the point at which the body receives energy from the universe which keeps our lives sustained.

Many believe the abilities that this gland offers come from its capacity to naturally produce its own DMT when fully operational.


The pineal gland often appears calcified in x-rays, that is typically due to fluoride, phosphorus, and calcium deposits which build up with age. Furthermore, the pineal gland is suppressed by electromagnetic fields released by mobile phones and other wireless devices.

Most people over the age of 18 have a calcified pineal, where a hard shell forms around the gland and our access to the astral realm is effectively shut off.

According to many esoteric schools, having a calcified pineal gland can result in:

- envy;
- delusions;
- pessimism;
- confusion;
- jealousy;
- impaired perception of reality;
- neurological disorders;
- paranoia;
- anxiety;
- depression;
- a tendency to over-analyze.

List Of 11 Ways To Decalcify Your Pineal Gland:

Note – detoxification of the pineal gland is a two-part process. Firstly, ensure that no further calcification takes place, while at the same time, try to reverse the calcification which has already occurred.

1 Avoid Fluoride

Negative effects of fluoride ingestion include the following:

- impairs melatonin production by your pineal gland;
- lowers IQ;
- brain damage;
- increases infertility;
- damages sperm;
- hyperactivity and/or lethargy;
- increases tumor and cancer rate;
- bone fractures;
- disrupts the synthesis of collagen;
- genetic damage and cell death;
- dementia;
- increases lead absorption.

Note – according to a 2012 study, exposure to high levels of fluoride in drinking water may harm children’s neurodevelopment. According to study authors:

“The results suggest that fluoride may be a developmental neurotoxicant that affects brain development at exposures much below those that can cause toxicity in adults.”

Tap water consumption is the largest daily source of fluoride exposure for people who live in areas that add fluoride to the water.

One way of avoiding the fluoride from tap water is to purchase a water filter. The three types of filters which can remove fluoride are:

- activated alumina;
- deionizers (which use ion-exchange resins);
- reverse osmosis.

In addition to water, sources of fluoride include:

- any type of tea in the Camellia sinensis family: black tea, white, oolong, or green tea. It doesn’t matter if the tea is organic or not. According to the USDA National Fluoride Database of Selected Beverages and Foods, these types of tea have 5 to 10 times more fluoride than a can of soda;
- cookware (non-stick Teflon – to avoid this, switch to stainless steel cooking pans that are safe since they don’t degenerate over time making them long-lasting and healthy);
- some pharmaceutical drugs;
- toothpaste (switch to non-fluoride toothpaste brands);
- fertilizers;
- pesticides.

2 Avoid Calcium Supplements

Calcium supplements are used by people from varying age groups on a daily basis. But, these supplements have a calcifying effect on the pineal gland and other places in the body. Other side effects of calcium supplements may include:

- muscle or bone pain;
- constipation;
- a metallic taste in your mouth;
- vomiting;
- dry mouth;
- headache;
- drowsiness;
- weakness;
- nausea;
- an irregular heartbeat;
- feeling tired;
- lack of energy;
- increased thirst;
- bone pain;
- muscle weakness.

Foods rich in calcium are:

- chickpeas;
- sesame seeds;
- spinach;
- almonds;
- cabbage;
- garlic;
- flax seeds;
- kale;
- white beans;
- parsley;
- figs;
- Brazil nuts;
- hazelnuts;
- amaranth;
- sunflower seeds;
- red kidney beans;
- beet greens;
- taro;
- pistachios;
- peanuts.

3 Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol

Tobacco smoke is toxic for the body in general, however, it has extremely detrimental effects on pineal health. Even the frequent inhalation of secondhand cigarette smoke can be injurious to the pineal gland.

Alcohol shuts down the activity of the pineal gland, impairing your capacity to think intuitively or clearly.

4 Khecari Mudra

Khecari Mudra is a hatha yoga practice that is carried out by placing the tongue above the soft palate and into the nasal cavity.

Khecarividya, a Sanskrit text from about 1400 CE on the hathayogic practice of khecari mudra, states that this mudra enables one to raise Kundalini and access the stores of amrita (a Sanskrit term which is literally translated to “immortality” or “nectar”) in the head, that subsequently floods the body.

5 Essential Oils

Essential oils that stimulate the pineal gland include:

- pine;
- parsley;
- frankincense;
- sandalwood;
- lavender.

Add a few drops to a warm bath, add several drops to a spray bottle of water for a room spritzer, sprinkle on your pillow at night, or inhale directly from the bottle.

6 Fasting

While fasting, a massive mass is taken off the physical body and large amounts of energy are released. This stimulates the production of new brain cells and neurons.

7 Foods Rich In Magnesium

Magnesium inhibits the absorption of fluoride into the cells of the body. The problem is that most people have a magnesium deficiency. Foods rich in magnesium are:

- brussels sprouts;
- kale;
- asparagus;
- spinach;
- artichokes;
- raspberries;
- green beans;
- bananas;
- cabbage;
- avocado;
- kidney beans;
- chickpeas;
- figs;
- black beans;
- walnuts;
- flax seeds;
- chia seeds;
- almonds;
- hazelnuts;
- broccoli;
- peas.

8 Meditation

The act of meditating works to stimulate the chakra system which is responsible for conducting and generating life-force energy. You can also chant “OM” for 5 minutes before a meditation session.

9 Being in Darkness

Darkness triggers increased production and release of melatonin, and eventually DMT. This helps to stimulate your pineal gland.

10 Sun Gazing

To boost your pineal gland, gaze gently at the sun during the first few minutes of sunrise and last few minutes of sunset.

11 Energy Healing Methods

Energy healing methods can help practitioners prevent and treat many ailments such as head and stomach aches, colds and flu, and can also help to decalcify the pineal gland. Two of the most popular methods are Reiki and pranic healing.

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