Berkeley Mayor Publicly Belongs To Violent Leftist Group
Justin Caruso | Wednesday, July 31, 2019 -- 1:13 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Thursday, August 1, 2019 -- 11:13 AM EDT***

And Tim Kaine's son is in Antifa, and Pete Buttigieg is a Red Diaper Baby Commie.. One man's genocide is another man's life, liberty and the pursuit of hapiness.

***Article first published by 'The Daily Caller' on April 21, 2017***

Jesse Arreguin, mayor of Berkeley, California, has been revealed to be involved with a violent, far-left group known as “BAMN,” meaning “By Any Means Necessary.”

Indeed, Arreguin’s Facebook page shows him belonging to BAMN, according to The Gateway Pundit.

The group formally describes itself on Facebook as “The Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights, and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN).”

BAMN is not just any “liberal” or “leftist” group. It is a group whose members have engaged in violence, and is affiliated with the violent antifascist, or antifa, movement.

BAMN has been involved in violence before, such as in Sacramento, California, where BAMN member Yvette Felarca attacked a protestor and punched him in the stomach several times outside of a white nationalist group’s rally.

Felarca is also a public middle school teacher (This is promising), and has faced calls for her employment to be terminated.

When Milo Yiannopoulos was supposed to speak at UC Berkeley, Arreguin tweeted this:

Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable. Hate speech isn't welcome in our community

Jesse Arreguin ‎@JesseArreguin | 1:01 AM - 2 Feb 2017

Milo’s speech that night was cancelled after violent Antifa rioters caused violence and destruction on campus.

A man was also beaten unconscious by leftists.

An innocent woman in a Trump hat was pepper sprayed as well.

Those antifa involved in that violence were later revealed to have ties to George Soros.

Felarca was involved in those “protests” as well, and later gave an interview on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” where she astoundingly referred to Milo as starting a “movement of genocide.”

Police were criticized by some after the riot for having a “hands-off” approach.

The next day, Arreguin tweeted his disapproval for violence, but the damage had already been done.

Berkeley has seen more incidents of political then since then, such as antifascists and Trump supporters clashing last weekend.

One particularly brutal incidence of violence that day was documented on video, in which a masked antifa member smashes a Trump supporters’ head with a metal bike lock.

That attacke has recently been reportedly identified as Diablo Valley professor Eric Clanton.

Berkeley’s newest controversy is now surrounding the appearance of conservative author Ann Coulter, who was supposed to speak next week at UC Berkeley, but was rescheduled due to security concerns.

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