Google Rejects Christian Publisher Ads that Mention Jesus
Caitlin Burke | Sunday, July 28, 2019 -- 11:25 AM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Sunday, July 28, 2019 -- 11:33 AM EDT***

The evidence of a Silicon valley Maoist take over of the West is mounting.

***Article first published by 'CBN News' on April 24, 2018***

Google controls many of the ads seen by consumers online, which means they also have control of what consumers don't see.

Now a Christian publishing house says Google is intentionally banning ad content from their website.

"This morning, we learned that Google ads will no longer accept anything related to the domain. They stated that the reason is because of the faith we express on our website," wrote Concordia Publishing House CEO Bruce Kintz in a Facebook post, that has since been removed.

In a press release, CPH went into further detail about their communications with Google.

"Google informed CPH that the type of ad in question would not be allowed based on Google's policy of religious belief in personalized content. As a Google AdWords Support representative explained, the disapproval resulted from the fact that the items in the ad and on the CPH website refer to Jesus and/or the Bible," the release stated.

CPH reports it was also informed it could "remove all items that refer to Jesus or the Bible and proceed to use the remarketing ads;" or, "use a different type of Google ad product."

"Clearly, CPH does not agree with Google's decision in this matter. If we are willing to remove references to our faith in our ads or website, then we will be allowed to use remarketing ads with Google. Simply stated, we are not willing to sacrifice our beliefs to comply with Google's requirements," Kintz also said.

Kintz said that as society becomes increasingly hostile towards the Christian faith, their mission becomes all the more important.

"We will continue to proclaim the faith because we know without a doubt that the Word of the Lord endures forever," said Kintz.

Concordia Publishing House is the publishing arm of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.

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