Obama holdovers' exposing US to possible EMP attack
Alicia Powe | WND | Sunday, November 5, 2017 -- 9:57 PM EST
***Uploaded by moo and Last updated on Monday, November 6, 2017 -- 7:44 PM EST***

There are people in this administration and even in the Pentagon who are exposing Americans to the possibility of an EMP attack by not taking the threat seriously enough.

WASHINGTON – There’s no question that the United States is vulnerable to an electromagnetic pulse attack that could result in mass starvation and the death of about 90 percent of the American population, a nuclear strategist warns.

But the deep state – those entrenched bureaucrats whose loyalties likely lay with a previous administration, under which they got their jobs – is indifferent.

Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, a nuclear strategist formerly with the CIA who served as chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission until it was terminated in September (the same month North Korea tested a hydrogen bomb, which it described as capable of a super powerful EMP attack), said liberal Democrats still are running a lot of Washington even after President Trump’s election.

“The people who sabotaged the EMP Commission, Obama holdovers, are still at the Department of Defense. They have not been replaced by the Trump administration. This is happening not just with the vitally important EMP Commission,” he said. “Our society, the Trump administration and the people who voted for Trump are paying for the failure of Congress to support Trump appointees quickly.

“At the same time during the Obama administration, he had twice as many appointees appointed to positions in government than Trump has. It’s not President Trump’s fault – these people are undermining and opposing the policies that President Trump has enacted, including the case of the EMP Commission.”

Obama administration bureaucrats, who believed Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 presidential election, did everything they could to sabotage and undermine the commission, Pry said.

“They held back money for a whole year. They held back security clearances. They tried to stop the commission’s staff from working, arguing that ‘you need a contract in order to work for the EMP Commission.’ They wouldn’t even let me work, or other staff, pro-bono. We did anyway.

Get the real story about EMP in the groundbreaking “A Nation Forsaken” by F. Michael Maloof, as well as “Lights On” by Jeffrey Yago, from the WND Superstore.

“Had Hillary won, we would never have received any of our funding or security clearances. It was all after she clearly lost and Congress intervened that they relented at the last minute. A commission that was supposed to have been able to work 18 months at EMP ended up with resources and support from the Department of Defense that enabled us to put in six months of work. That’s no way to provide for the national security of the country against an existential threat like EMP.”

WND reported only last month that a congressional subcommittee on homeland security heard the bad news from experts who have been studying America’s vulnerability to an existential threat – a real-life “doomsday scenario.”

The threat of a North Korean nuclear attack on the U.S. is almost unimaginably worse than turning a city like Chicago or Denver into ashes, they testified. If just one of the nuclear weapons North Korea is now known to possess could be directed toward the heartland of the U.S. and detonated in the upper atmosphere, it could fry the electrical grid with an electromagnetic pulse, paralyze communications and transportation nationwide, instantly plunge the country back into a 19th century-style existence and cause 90 percent of Americans to starve to death in one year.

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