Pedophile Code Symbols Used in Kids Clothing Brand "Tiny Bangs"
Citizen Kane | Sunday, November 25, 2018 -- 7:04 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Sunday, November 25, 2018 -- 9:55 PM EST***

"They are just hamburgers and hotdogs used in clothing. There's nothing nefarious at work... it's fashion...": Thus is the purpose of code symbols.

It appears that a designer kids clothing brand has a habit of incorporating symbols used by pedophile rings to communicate their product (kinds of kids: ie. Young Girls or Boys etc) into their clothing items.

After reviewing the FBI's list of pedophillia code words and symbols, you will find that much of these symbols appear throughout the pictures the brand "Tiny Bangs" - pun intended I'm sure - uses to model their clothing.

The Los Angeles woman behind Tiny Bangs, Kirsten Bosio, describes herself as someone who has battled depression and someone who shares with her kids, who she uses as models, her passion for expression through fashion.

Check out Tiny Bangs' Instagram.

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