Google Translate censors obscene insult of Muhammad, allows it for Jesus
Robert Spencer | Monday, November 12, 2018 -- 9:05 AM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Monday, November 12, 2018 -- 9:26 AM EST***

Selective outrage of Muslims fits witht he selective censorship of leftists.

***Article first published by 'Jihad Watch' on Oct, 7, 2018***

Jihad Watch reader C. Nicholson sent me this interesting message about Google’s automated Google Translate feature. Pardon the language, and the insulting phrases. I don’t condone this kind of speech regarding anyone, but there is an important principle revealed here: more Sharia-adherence from Google.

Message: Look at what I found out:

Arabic for “shit”:

Arabic for “Jesus eats shit”:

Arabic for “Muhammad eats shit,” according to Google:

(Be sure to translate in both directions to verify that the word “shit” is being censored when it is used in context with “Muhammad,” and only then. I.E. click the handy swappy arrows)

Evidently Google has no problem allowing its tools to be used to insult Christians, but won’t allow the same tools to be used to insult Muslims. Once again, we see the establishment of Muslims as a special protected class, accorded accommodations not offered to other groups.

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